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Why I am Being DisKonekted ?

Some people ask me why I am choosing DisKonekted as my name. Its been a long story, but in fact, I was really disconnected from this (or your) "real world". I live in a different state than something wrong that you call that "reality". My mind was not set up to living here normally "to face reality".
I am no one
I am emptiness
I am nothing
You may say I am an insane person, but you’re right; I have no sanity in my mind. But, inside myself, I am happy. My happiness is the same with something ridiculous that you call it "sadness".
Yes, I am already dead from this world, I am DisKonekted from this world of yours.
I am Being DisKonekted :
It means that there is an empty space between me and you,
It means that we were clearly separated.
Am I an nihilist ?
You know that better than me!

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Whats Wrong With My Ear ?

At my old age, I still like to heard terrible sound that people called "black metal". Why ? I don't know exactly, but when I hear :
"rite of the pentagram"
"call of the cthulu"
"morbid vision" etc, etc..
my mind was feel better than before. I feel coming back to live.
Just it !

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Symptomps of My Schizophrenic Mind

Pernyataan :
1.Tuhan Maha Kuasa
2.Tuhan Maha Pencipta
Adalah benar.

Pertanyaan :
Mampukah Tuhan menciptakan batu yang sangat berat hingga Dia sendiri pun tidak sanggup mengangkatnya ?

Jawaban :
1.Bila mampu = Tuhan tidak lagi Maha Kuasa
2.Bila tidak mampu = Tuhan tidak lagi Maha Pencipta

Apa jawaban anda ?
Apa jawaban saya ?

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Ask Yourself!

"Bad! Bad! Look-isn’t he going backward ?"
Yes, but you misunderstand him if you complain of it. He is going backward like someone who is about to take a great leap.-


Insanity is the exception in individuals. In groups, parties, poeples, and times, it is the rule.

(Beyond Good and Evil)

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kepada: TF

aku menyimpanmu sebagai mata air
dalam kenangan
yang akan kukunjungi saat hausku tlah menjadi pedih
aku menyimpanmu sebagai puisi
yang akan kubuka saat tidurku kehilangan mimpi
aku menyimpanmu sebagai berhala
dalam khayalan
tempat aku bersimpuh menangis
saat batinku merindukan ibu

kau menjadi selembar undangan
yang tak kubuka
dari dunia yang kutolak
sebab cahayanya membutakan mataku"

(sweet forest, 6 mei 2005)

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about her

akan kucatat namamu
dengan tinta kesungguhan
dalam lembar tersembunyi
buku nyanyian hidupku
nyanyi rindu nyanyi duka
lagu hidup lagu cinta
di mana kata-kata terlalu kotor
untuk menjadi liriknya

from PPS edited by tanpa_nama

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