Ignis Natura Renovatur Integra. Powered by Blogger.

The Secret

Sometimes, the trees sketch out a peculiar ballet,
Imitating my little body deceived by the wind,
And the ivy whispers familiar words
Look at life with the eyes of a child
To smell the suave perfumes exhaled
By a garden whose secret you filled long ago
And at that moment sang the giggling diaphanous girls
Of the sparkling, pearly river

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Over the ponds, over the valleys,
The mountains, the woods, the seas and the clouds,
Beyond the suns, beyond the ethers,
Beyond the border of the starry spheres,

My spirit, you move with agility,
And like a swimmer on the waves in ectasy,
Joyfully you cross the profound immensity,
With unspeakable and virile voluptuousness.

Escape far away from these morbid miasmas;
Ascend to purify on the higher air,
And hurry, like noble and divine liquor,
The clear light that inundates the limpid spaces.

Behind the tiresome and vast regrets,
That fog with their weight the misty life,
Happy be the one who with vigorous flutter
Throws themself onto the calm and luminous fields;

He whose ideas, like larks,
Drift off to the morning sky in flight
- That glides over life, and knows with no effort,
The language of the flours and other silent things!

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Another Time

Sebuah doa jauh dibawa oleh angin malam
Menjiwai daun dalam tarian lesu mereka
Ini himne dari pohon-pohon tua, dinyanyikan untuk kalian
Bagi hutan muram yang sekarang tertidur
Begitu banyak musim telah berlalu tanpa menunggu kami
Daun keemasan jatuh ke tanah mati
Suatu hari nanti akan kembali ke kehidupan di bawah langit bercahaya
Tapi dunia kita terkikis akan tetap sama
Dan besok,
kau dan aku akan pergi

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